Blog post 9.2 Weather Hazards
Unfortunately I cannot find an accurate statistic of just how many plane crashes have been caused due to icing, if you want consider research done by wiki, you could say 44 incidents and accidents. If you wanted to use a number provided by "Scientific American" Ice accounts for approximately 9.2% of all fatal air carrier accidents (Borrell, 2009). Nevertheless, icing conditions IS considered a major flight hazard to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and I feel as though it poses the greatest risk to aviation operators. According to, the conditions that much be met in order to create icing conditions is; Air temperature colder than 0 degrees celcius or colder and supercool liquid water droplets or wet snowflakes (NOAA, n.d.). Something to note is 14 CFR 91.527 Operating in icing conditions where I beleive some of the most critical points are that, "No pilot may take off an airplane that has frost, ice or snow adhereing to any properllar, win...